The sum of the ages of Dakota and Patricia is 53 years. 7 years ago, Dakota's age was 2 times Patricia's age. How old is Dakota now?
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Tom is eight years older than claire. The sum of their age is 54. How old is TomJonathan is now three times as old as his son is. Twelve years ago, he was six times as old as his son was. Find the present age of each.Diane is six years younger than one-half his father's age.If the sum of their ages is 63, find the product of their ages.Pat is 20 years older than James. In two years he will be twice as old as James. How old are they now?The sum of the ages of Jose and Mackenzie is 100 years. 10 years ago, Jose's age was 3 times Mackenzie's age. How old is Jose now?